Sunday, August 7, 2011

Food, Friends and Fun

Of all the advice we've received in preparation for our little one, the two things we've heard repeatedly are to sleep now while we can, and go out to eat a lot to get in those date nights!

The sleep advice doesn't work so well since it's pretty much impossible to sleep through the night when you're this pregnant (and it's over one hundred degrees every day). BUT, we've done a great job of getting in lots of nice dinners out and date nights!

Tuesday we ate at Whiskey Cake (Christine's new favorite restaurant) with Burke & Alyssa. Friday we went to Trufire - we eat there ALL THE TIME but never get tired of it. This time was interesting because we ate quite early (6 PM) since Dana had a birthday party for Jeff Klein to get to afterward, and we couldn't believe all of the kids that were at our favorite date place. We finally put it together that families eat out early... and we were seeing a glimpse of our future!

Saturday we finally got to try The Meddlesome Moth with our dear friends Maisie and Darren. The beer menu was INCREDIBLE and Darren and Dana had a fun time working through it and trying a bunch of new beers. The food was really, really good too!

Today we enjoyed a yummy potluck dinner with our church community group. Stephanie made amazing mango salmon and Elizabeth and Jordan brought little Baby Larkin, who is just over 4 weeks old. He's such a cutie!

So all in all, while we still are wrapping up some odds and ends and trying to get everything ready for Reese's arrival (sometime in the next 2 weeks!), we're having a ton of fun along the way!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Christine-Finally caught up on your blog! I love it reading all the stories. We are so excited that Reese is almost here. We wonder if Dana is going to post on FB something like" just checked in at so and so hospital"!
    We are so excited for you as you start the grand adventure of parenthood together. We send our love. Ellen (and Craig)
