Monday, January 30, 2012

What's been going on lately....

Hillary and Jenny came down from Chicago to meet Reese this past weekend. It was so wonderful having them around.

We had brunch with some current co-workers and Frito alums, and then Sara and James also drove up from Austin and brought their 5 week old girl (Emmeline) to meet everyone. Emmeline or "Emme" (pronounced Emmy) is the cutest thing! I just love little babies so much now. I wanted to keep her here with us!

Angie (another Wash U Kappa) and Kevin now live just one street over from us, so we had a progressive dinner (first starting at their house for appetizers and grilling out, followed by a walk to our house for chocolate molten cake and game night). It was quite a fun crowd.

Last week Dana and I went up to Michigan for recruiting at Ann Arbor. While we were interviewing candidates, we were able to leave Reese with Christine's sister's family. Our nieces, Skylar and Larkin, just love having a baby around.

Larkin took her to show-and-tell at school, and they both took turns dressing and feeding her. Reese loved all of the attention!
This week we're working on weaning her off her pacifier. It's not fun... lots of tears. But I'm already appreciating better sleep (she was previously waking up every hour to find her paci) and I know we'll all be happier once we get through a rough week or so.

Dana's parents left a couple weeks ago, so we're now officially on our own. It was so fantastic having them here, but thankfully daycare is going pretty smoothly so far. Her teachers at Carpe Diem seem fantastic, loving and knowledgeable.

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