Thursday, August 23, 2012

Investing in Girls

Here's a photo from the Girls Club program at Ark of the Rainbow. Girls Club is an after-school, once-a-week meeting with pre-teen/teen girls who live in poverty. During their time in the club, they are taught valuable life skills and about making positive choices in life. The meetings, which are a lot of fun, teach confidence, empowerment and about having a relationship with God. Girls are also taught about taking care of their bodies, and provided with sanitary pads, etc. for health purposes. If you have a topic that you think the girls would benefit from, let me know! We're always looking for new ideas for content. And if you ever visit Bangalore and would like to attend or teach at Girls Club, that would be great too!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like such a worthwhile program. I'm sure it will be life-changing for many of the girls!
