Saturday, December 29, 2007

Back to Reality

After a wonderful dinner at Dana's favorite Greek restaurant, Epsilon, and yet ANOTHER game of Settlers of Catan with Ellen and Craig, we're heading back in the morning to Dallas. We're excited to see our kitties but not excited that it is COLD there. What happened to the 75 degree weather we left?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana and Christine,
    It was so much fun playing Settlers of Catan last night-we're hooked!
    Hope you get some sleep on the plane. I won't tell you what time we got up this am!
    Christine-please let me know if you remember the name of the woman who came up with the relationship questions-i'd be interested in seeing them and reading her ideas of connections.
    Happy New Year-take care-love, Ellen(and Craig)
