I'm updating the blog after a bit of a hiatus because frankly... there hasn't been much to blog about. My camera broke in India (my updates feel naked without pictures) and after the crazy adventures of the past few months, it's hard to find things in Dallas that feel exciting enough to write about. But to make my Dad happy, I'll give you an update on what's been happening.
Our travels with the Allen family in India were amazing. The Taj was especially majestic and it was a very special way to spend Christmas.

At Frito I was welcomed back with a promotion and a new role that I'm pretty excited about. I'm now leading the "Shopper Experience", so if you have any ideas on what would make your grocery shopping experience truly wonderful, please let me know!
We kicked off the New Year with a fun champagne and lobster dinner with dear friends at Kate and Robert's house. It feels good to see my old friends again! At the same time, I'm missing the people in India A LOT. I wish I could click my magic slippers and pop over to see them anytime I wanted : )
Last weekend Dana and I went to Dallas' best restaurant (The French Room) and enjoyed a 13-course wine dinner to celebrate being back together in the same city. The food was superb, but I probably only drank one glass of wine - my tolerance is so low now because I hardly drank alcohol in India.
This weekend I'm just hanging out, working and enjoying quality time with Moorea and Samui. Dana is at the World Championship of Video Gaming in Orlando. Now that he works on Doritos, his "job" entails a lot of interesting things like that and going to the Superbowl in a few weeks.
Well that's it for now. Wishing all of you the best in 2010!
Welcome back! Dad
ReplyDeleteChristine- You are so blessed to work for a company that allowed you to do such great work in India and then welcomed you back with a promotion! That is awesome! It says alot about Frito-Lay and I will be happy to buy Doritos b/c of it (and b/c I like Cool Ranch alot!).