This weekend we celebrated Lauren's birthday with fajitas & game night. Lauren is in our small group from church. She was born in 1982. While we enjoyed rocking out to 80's music in honor of the year she was born (80s music is the best!), I feel old! It's interesting that we have friends 6 years younger than us, but none 6 years older... what exactly does that say about us? I guess as long as we don't have kids we can still hang out with the newly marrieds : ) Anyhow, it was a great time. The girls beat the guys in "Catch Phrase" & "Trivial Pursuit". I have to say I learned a lot of new trivia!
Sunday we listened to an awesome sermon on Finding your Purpose in life. It ties in nicely to the fact that we just started reading "A Purpose Driven Life". We're very focused on our purpose right now! In fact, we're considering going to Africa, Iraq, Egypt or India for 2 months to support a Christian non-profit group (Partners International) that is planting schools and churches in these areas. We'd also like to get a group of friends and family together to donate funds and help build a school or medical clinic in a much needed area. If you're feeling called to make a difference in the world, let us know! We'll let you know more as we figure it all out...
Tonight our other small group friends, Ryan & Stephanie, hosted a fun Superbowl party. Stephanie has a new espresso machine so she made us all elegant drinks. She's quite a Martha Stewart!
Hope you all had a great weekend! This week is a HUGE week at work, but after this things should quiet down dramatically until we leave for our Asia trip in 3 weeks... Can't wait!
Don't answer me now because of your busy work week, but I'd love to hear just what it means to 'plant' a school or church. Love you, Judy