Friday, October 23, 2009

Playing Chicken

I've been on the road the past few days.

First I went to another city to have meetings with the police and NGOs. We are looking into setting up a new team there to fight human trafficking so we are gathering information on whether there is an unmet need in that city.

Then I went to visit "Potter's Wheel", a safe house (in the middle of nowhere) that Oasis is planning to open for girls who are rescued from brothel raids. Like the home I visited for children with HIV, the land was beautiful and the building was very nice. It had been a gift from a very generous donor - (I hope one day I can be that generous!) They will open it in the Spring if they can raise additional funding and find good staff.

The drive to Potter's Wheel was pretty much insane and we almost died several times. The drivers here are maniacs! We pray every time we get in the car. It's like an intense game of chicken - with drivers heading straight at each other at times driving 60 m/p/h until one veers off at the last second. It's pretty horrifying - but on the flip side it does make me feel closer to God : ) On the way home we took a detour and ended up in Vellore so I briefly saw the famous medical hospital there where Dana's grandfather used to work.

Today I'm working on arranging a seminar for Oasis workers and pastors in this area to train them on counseling trafficking victims. I'm also supposed to be writing a brief for a Marketing brochure, but the funny thing is it seems like it's the "Marketing" part of my volunteer role that I keep procrastinating on! I'll have to do it tomorrow (after I explore Bangalore's botanical gardens)

Tonight I'm going to a church conference. It's the 3rd time I've been to church this week and I have to say I love having all this time to really dive into my faith.

1 comment:

  1. Did you drive from the city where you were to Bangalore?
    I'm glad to got to see Vellore - Ron's dad would have been happy to hear that, I think. Our turn next :-)
